Questions on the Videos
There are some that doubt the Terri Schiavo videos, questioning when they were taken and that perhaps she has deterioated since then. The facts are these:
After her accident, she never fully recovered. She was diagnosed then as having PVS. That diagnosis was the basis of Michael's malpractice award. After that point was when the fight to take the feeding tube from Terri began.
If at any point during the time of her accident and now she displayed the activities that are depicted in the video then the diagnosis of PVS is false. PVS is a permanent condition, you cannot come out of it and come back in (see the NHS definition here). PVS is a permanent condition defined as having no awareness of their surroundings or make any voluntary movements. The videos show that she has been doing exactly that.
Terri has been without rehabilitative care or anything that goes along with it for 12 years. Many medical professionals are hopeful of her recovery and she should be given that opportunity to recover.